Cartridge Aragon 2 for water has increased hardness salts.


ARAGON is a renewable vairrākārtīg(approx. up to 3 times) in the home, keeping it in the brine. The cartridge consists of Aragón and jonapmaiņ resin that softens the water, significantly reducing water hardness salts.


ARAGON is a microporous polymer jonapmaiņ, which effect on water in three different ways:

-purified water from mechanical pulp (rust, mud, sand, clay), chlorine, iron, carcinogenic substances.
-change water mineral structure-calcium salts are converted to aragonīt (aragonīt-calcium form that the body can easily pick up).

-Under body retention of the ARAGON water impurities, not allowing them to come into the net in the water.



Purified water temperature-4 c-95C
Water filtering speeds up to 6 l/min.
Water quantity-7000 l
Cartridge Aragon 2 is at the top of the plastic thread so that it can insert a special vent filter hulls. To be able to insert a cartridge standard hulls is offered a transition coupling.